Качурка серая
Leach''s Storm-Petrel
kachurka http://www.floranimal.ru/pages/animal/k/807.html, http://www.inf.tsu.ru/tomsk/2_4.htm
albatros - http://nauka.relis.ru/30/9712/30712163.html
burevestniki - http://www.livt.net/Clt/Ani/Cho/Ave/Prc/prchlp.htm
собственно буревестники (Procellariidae), качурки(Hydrobatidae)
Storm-petrels, like other members of the order Procellariformes, have specially modified "tubes" atop their bills. This special organ -- which you can see in this in-hand photo of a Leach''s Storm-Petrel (right) -- allows them to drink salt water and then dispose of the salt. One can sometimes see drops of concentrated sale being "sneezed" out of these tubes. The Leach''s Storm-Petrel must be one of the world''s commonest species. Nesting in the North Pacific on islets from Alaska to Baja, they disperse across the eastern tropical Pacific in the millions during the northern winter. This in-hand individual was one such bird, running into the research ship I was on at night, probably distracted by our lights. The spot was just north of the Equator, and about 500 west of Ecuador, so it was really out in the middle of nowhere. [The Wilson''s Storm-Petrel Oceanites oceanicus, breeding on sub-Antarctic islands, disperses in the millions into the Atlantic, and some have opined that it is the world''s most abundant bird.]
Глупыш - морской голубьизлюбленная алеутская пища, гнездится на скалах.
- http://bering.narod.ru/rus/animals/bird_glupysh.htm
Топорик, топорок - командорский попугай. Милая забавная птица размером с голубя, бока головы белые, за глазами пучки золотистых перьев, клюв очень высокий, сплюснутый с боков, яркий (красноватый).
http://bering.narod.ru/eng/index.htm - komandorskie ostrova