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From Kansas to Denver
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Lawrence University
Lawrence, Kansas, 1867
Lawrence, Massachusettes Street 1908
Evacuation, Bleeding Kansas and Missouri border war, 1870
Triceratops prorsus skull found in Wyoming in 1895
Topeca Kaw Region Art Park
Junction, 1935
Church near Junction City
Opera house, Junction
Junction, "old Bill"
Junction, Great War Memorial, 1918
Cavarly museum, Junction
Gargoyle at Kracht Castle
Castle Island, Junction
Kansas limestone, sandstone and chalk features
huge concretions
Abilene, the Eisenhower museum
Mushroom Rock State Park
the farm tractors, 1920
Pachyrhizodus caninus 2.6 m long, from the Greenhorn Limestone, Russell
Pachyrhizodus caninus
Hall-Gurney oilfield near Russell, KS
Russell, KS
Lawrence is a river city in Douglas County, Kansas, United States, 41 miles (66 km) west of Kansas City, along the banks of both the Kansas (Kaw) and Wakarusa Rivers.
Lawrence was founded in 1854 for the New England Emigrant Aid Company by Charles Robinson, who later served as governor of Kansas. The city was named after Amos Adams Lawrence, a prominent politician and abolitionist and the son of famed philanthropist Amos Lawrence.
Lawrence history - http://www.open.ge/el/?base=&view=0&url=''en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence%2C_Kansas''
Lawrence History - http://www.legendsofamerica.com/OZ-Lawrence.html
Lawrence was a town long hated by Quantrill and his men. Home of the demagogic antislavery Senator, Jim Lane, it was also a stronghold of the Red Legs, Union guerrillas who had sacked much of western Missouri. An attack on this citadel of abolition would bring revenge for any wrongs, real or imagined, that the Southerners had suffered.
Early on the morning of August 21, 1863, Quantrill, along with his murderous force of about 400, descended on the still sleeping town of Lawrence. Incensed by the free-state headquarters town, Quantrill set out on his revenge against the Jayhawker community. In this carefully orchestrated early morning raid he and his band, in four terrible hours, turned the town into a bloody and blazing inferno unparallel in its brutality
Legends of America - Lawrence - http://www.legendsofamerica.com/OZ-BleedingKansas7.html
lawrence postcards - http://www.epodunk.com/cgi-bin/genInfo.php?locIndex=4791
Kansas travel - http://www.kansastravel.org/kansastravel.htm
Junction - Great War Monument: Construction on Fort Riley began in 1853, and its heritage includes George Armstrong Custer and Buffalo Soldiers in the 19th century as well in providing soldiers that have served the united States in every major conflict of the 20th and 21st Centuries. Fort Riley is an active US military base, and it is growing - after many years in Europe the Big Red One is returning to Riley. Fort Riley has a lot to offer visitors: museums, historic buildings, historical markers, statues and monuments
Junction city community web site - http://www.epodunk.com/cgi-bin/genInfo.php?locIndex=4754
Route 70 Kansas - map - http://www.epodunk.com/cgi-bin/genInfo.php?locIndex=4754#Hist2
Trains - a trip to Kansas - http://faculty.simpson.edu/dick.tinder/www/102397KC/102397KC.html
Kansas heritage - http://www.kansasheritage.org/
Грузовые автомобили Северо-Американских Соединённых штатов (i Советские грузовые автомобили tozhe) - http://www.autogallery.org.ru/y/ygothers.htm
About 20 miles SW of Salina, Kansas off Highway 140 is Kansas'' smallest state park - Mushroom Rock State Park. The 5 acre park is about 2 miles south of the highway on dirt roads that can be very bad after a rain.
It has Dakota sandstone concretions much like Rock City, but here most are not nearly as exposed. There could be a great many concretions at this park, but almost all are still covered by the surrounding soil and only a portion is seen. The underlying rock is softer sandstone and is eroding away, but some of it still remains and has been supporting three of the rocks for many years.
The resulting combination of rocks have a mushroom shape. The unusual shapes caught the imaginations of the Native Americans and pioneers, some of whom have left graffiti in the softer sandstone
Minneapolis, Kansas - Rock City is a tiny park which contains about 200 huge Dakota sandstone concretions. The spheres are up to 27 feet in diameter and you are encouraged to climb on them and do pretty much whatever you want. They claim that there is no place else in the world with so many huge concretions.
Rock City is 3 1/2 miles south of Minneapolis off Highway 106.
Pachyrhizodus caninus site - http://www.oceansofkansas.com/Pachyrhi.html
Kingsnakes (Russell, KS)- http://www.kingsnake.com/king/triangulum/gentilis.html
Kansas for tourism - http://www.kansastravel.org/kansastravel.htm
Topeka, Kansas, Historical Society
Lawrence history
Kansas: The Rocky Mountain General Story
Wiki about Kansas |