![](http://narod.yandex.ru/images/flex/66ff99.gif) |
Route 95, NY-NJ | |
Joseph H. Greenwood, American, (1857-1927)Massachusetts.
New York
N.Y.,250 Elizabeth street
N.Y, 26 Elizabeth street, Chinatown
Edison, NJ
Thomas Edison Memorial, NJ
Roosevelt County Park in Edison
Brunswick, NJ
Trenton, NJ
Levittown, NJ
Burlington, 1900, http://family-images.com/nj/misc/?D=A
Burlington, 1900
Burlington, 1900, Presbyterian Church
Burlington, 1900
Masonic Home, Burlington
River in Burlington
James Fenimore Cooper
Allen Ginsberg (1926 - 1997), renovned poet, world traveler
Paul Robeson, All-American football player, singer, actor, activist
George Segal''s work
Grave of Joseph Bloomfield - St. Marys Episcopal ChurchYard, Burlington
Joseph Bloomfield, 1753 - 1823
First Baptist of Bloomfield
First Baptist of Bloomfield
Route 95,map - http://www.wegoplaces.com/LAShreveport_Region_427.aspx
N.Y.Brige photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/80651083@N00/184931071/
Born in Burlington, New Jersey on September 15, 1789 as James Cooper, the young boy began life with all the advantages of wealth and social prominence. James was one of thirteen children of Judge William Cooper, an early visionary who was able to obtain great financial success despite his own humble beginnings. The judge settled vast tracts of land in Pennsylvania and New York, became a congressman, actively promoted public service, established an expectedly dynastic financial and political family, and founded Cooperstown, NY, which became the boyhood home of James. William Cooper tried to instill in his children an understanding of the financial potential which the young republic had, balanced with his philosophy that with wealth came many responsibilities for the good of others (he was notoriously charitable, some would say, excessively generous). It appeared as though the Cooper family, with such a potentially bright future, could expect to leave a prolific and powerful legacy. Fate though, with its often tragic consequences and unexpected derailments, was waiting to strike. Meanwhile, the Cooper children enjoyed a life of leisurely wonder in upstate New York.
Spiritual seeker, founding member of a major literary movement, champion of human and civil rights, photographer and songwriter, political gadfly, teacher and co-founder of a poetics school, Allen Ginsberg (1926 - 1997) defied simple classification.
Welcome to AllenGinsberg.org where you can explore published as well as never-before-published text, photos, hand-written documents and audio and video materials representing Allen''s life-work.
The material available here and that which we will be adding over time is intended to continually reveal the intelligence and beauty of Allen Ginsberg''s aim of increasing consciousness on the planet.
Paul Robeson--singer, actor, civil rights activist, law school graduate, athlete, scholar, author--was perhaps the best known and most widely respected black American of the 1930s and 1940s. Robeson was also a staunch supporter of the Soviet Union, and a man, later in his life, widely vilified and censored for his frankness and unyielding views on issues to which public opinion ran contrary. As a young man, Robeson was virile, charismatic, eloquent, and powerful. He learned to speak more than 20 languages in order to break down the barriers of race and ignorance throughout the world, and yet, as Sterling Stuckey pointed out in the New York Times Book Review, for the last 25 years of his life his was "a great whisper and a greater silence in black America."
Born in New York City, Segal was a Rutgers graduate and did most of his work while living in central New Jersey. Segal was a painter and sculptor, perhaps best known for his tableaux of life-sized cast figures, usually in stark white plaster, of ordinary people placed in everyday situations and environments.
First Baptist Joseph Bloomfield, Joseph Bloomfield
1753 - 1823
Major, Revolutionary War - 1776-1778
Governor of New Jersey - 1801-1812
Brigadier General - War of 1812-1815
US Congressman - 1817-1821
Lifelong Activist for the Abolition of Slavery - see his anazing bio - http://www.firstbaptistbloomfield.org/joeblmfld-bio.htm
Thomas Edison''s Homepage - http://www.thomasedison.com/
Thomas Edison, Father of Cinema
Famous New Jersians
Allen Ginsburg''s poem "America" 1956, animation
Paul Robeson
Route 95, Philadelphia |